Monday, December 15, 2014

Dissection Fun...

The day they've all been waiting for... dissections!  If you remember, comparative dissections are technically part of Unit 4 in the modeling curriculum.  However, we needed to get through all of the state standards before the EOC.

We just did a comparison of the anatomy of the earthworm and rat.

Not the greatest earthworm picture ever
Inside the rat...
No woozy students, and only two students were "morally opposed" and opted to do the online dissections.  All in all, I'd consider it a success!

My students have only two more days of class this semester.  Tomorrow we'll do that DNA extraction that we never got around to, and then we'll review for their final test they'll take on Wednesday.  Their final test will be a combination lab practical/retaking the Modeling Biology Concept Inventory.  The MBCI data is just for me-- I'm not actually reviewing them for it, nor am I giving them a grade on it.

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